Sweet Words BY M ZANDER | ENTRY 4
Sweet Words
acordei, mas demorei uma era inteira pra levantar da cama. acordei pequena. talvez tenha sido a dose da vacina, talvez tenha sido a noite devassa demais. entre o hiato dentro do peito e o buraco do texto, percorro os espaços da inspiração. entre o sono mal dormido e o desafio da escrita, me pergunto mal humorada: o que me resta fazer. quero escrever sobre a fugacidade da vida, quero de pijamas seduzir quem me lê, quero cantar Cigarettes After Sex, ser a backing vocal da sabedoria. atravessar noites e dias no vento, vento que faz o barulhinho bom, vento do ar condicionado do quarto. mas quem fica no chão não sobe nos ares. deixo aqui, sob o teto de madeira, meu corpo agarrado nas ervas analgésicas (gengibre, casa comigo?!), embora inundado da escrita de bela fonte. já parou pra pensar no shape das frases? um minuto de silêncio pros tipógrafos - majestosos na concepção das letras desse mundo. helvética, garota mainstream, vc é suprema, mas como não gamar naquela que se chama “daydream”. é nesse espaço motivado que ainda me resta, onde coloco a cadeira vazia e chamo vc: doces palavras.
woke up, but took an eternity to get up from bed. I woke up small. perhaps it was the vaccine, perhaps it was the wanton evening. between the hiatus inside my chest and the empty space of the text, I try to find my inspiration. between the sleepless night and the challenge of writing, I ask myself rather ill-humored: what is left to do. I want to write about life fleeting, I want in pajamas to seduce my reader, I want to sing Cigarettes After Sex, to be the backup vocal for wisdom. to transverse days and nights in the wind, air that makes sweet sound, air from air conditioning in the bedroom. but those who stay on the ground don't see the skies. I leave here, under the wooden ceiling, my body attached to the healing herbs (ginger, marry me?!), while flooded by the written word from the divine fountain. have you stopped to think about the shape of the phrases? a moment of silence for typographers - majestic in the conception of letters in this world. helvetic, mainstream gal, you are supreme, but how not to fall in love with the one called "daydream". and its in this space, the corner of deep motivation that remains in me, where I lay the chair and call on you, sweet words.
M Zander
Seen here in the Gina Bodysuit in Milk in Silver Lake, California
Mary Zander, DJ, aspiring writer, world explorer, mother of two. Born in Rio, carioca soul! Lived in Vancouver, Buenos Aires, London, New York, Miami, and now calls LA home. Has toured the earth spreading her groove. @maryzander
If you could spend a night in bed with anyone dead for alive, who would it be and what would you spend the night doing? "Ethan Hawke, playing sexy truth or dare."
Favorite activity to do with your kids? "Spend time at the beach."
Favorite date night outfit? "A nice dress, fashion (lurex) socks and sneakers. And last, but not least: statement accessories."